What do dogs do on their day off? (George Carlin)

I’m sure many of you are familiar with that funny routine of his. Now, lounging in Miami Beach, I can’t help but draw some parallels between his comedy bit and retirement. After all, what exactly is the difference between retirement and a vacation? Isn’t every day Saturday when you’re retired? Isn’t it my job to relax and enjoy […]

I think my trainer is trying to kill me!

After 20 years of on and off medical treatment and a high stress/long hours job, my body is a wreck! I have been through kick-my-ass chemotherapy 3 times with interim maintenance therapy for the last 10 years. As if that weren’t enough, this life-saving chemotherapy that kept the tumors at bay wrought so much havoc on my coronary […]

Did I Happen to Mention the Idea of a Border Kibbutz?

For the last couple years, I’ve been watching and reading the drama about a border wall and the reasons the US should pay for one. I just don’t get it at all. I do understand that we cannot have an uncontrolled border, but I don’t understand all the fury about resolving the problem with increased military presence and […]